The family picnic is one of those traditions that has withstood the test of time.
Your granny’s granny probably had them when she was small and now your little ones are frolicking around the park, ham sandwich in one hand and melted chocolate bar in the other... or not.
Picnics are definitely not what they are cracked up to be: the mess, the hassle of having to butter what can feel like a million slices of bread, and the race to the first picnic table can leave mums fairly frustrated.
But that doesn't mean you have to give up on the gloriousness of eating outside - dining al fresco is one of the best ways to soak up the wonderful sun and get the kids away from their screens.
Here seven tips to make your picnic that little bit easier and more enjoyable! 
  1. It's not all about the sandwiches 
Cold pasta with pesto and red peppers is simple and delicious. Simply pop it in a Tupperware container and you're good to go! However, if the idea of eating it cold sends shivers down your spine, you can always put it in a thermos to keep warm. 
2. Don’t leave the luxuries at home
Just because you are eating outside doesn’t mean you have to use plastic spoons and forks that break as soon as you try to pick up a strawberry... Get enough cutlery for everyone and wrap it up in a tea towel – you’ll enjoy that fruit salad a lot more with a proper fork.
3. Skip the flies and say goodbye to the wasps
Avoid going anywhere near a bin, whether you’re dining al fresco in a restaurant, your back garden or your local park, otherwise you’ll be SWAMPED with dirty flies. Keep food covered and lids closed to keep wasps and other creepy crawlies away.
4. Bring some form of entertainment
Just because you are outside doesn’t mean your little ones will be kept entertained for hours... Make sure you bring various things for them to play with: a ball, colouring books, make and do things – anything that will make the outside more appealing to them.
5. Don’t just grab the first spot you see
When you arrive at your destination, have a look around for a shaded spot, particularly if it is exceptionally hot out. This means you still have the option of enjoying the sun but you will always have the shade to go back to. Beside a tree is usually best - just have a look out for ants before you settle down.
6. Bring a wide variety of foods
Salads work quite well when dining al fresco – they’re easy to pack and kids can pick and choose what they want to eat. Cheese and crackers are other good options as are yoghurts and fruit. Cut down on the packing by bringing milk for both the coffee and as a drink for the kids. It will keep them cool and they’ll be getting plenty of goodness
7. Ditch the picnic basket in favour of a cooler box
It is important you keep foods like milk, yogurt, cheese and butter out of direct sunlight as they can go off fairly quickly. Invest in a cooler box rather than a basket and your food and drinks will stay fresher for longer.
SHARE so everyone can enjoy dining al fresco. 

