Most people have a love-hate relationship with their gym.

They adore how they feel afterwards which obviously keeps them coming back for more, but then there's the lead-up to the session and the numerous pitfalls you can encounter within the first ten minutes of any work-out which can make the gym a sinister place from time to time.

In general however, the good outweighs the bad and most people find a schedule and programme which suits their needs and goals.

Despite all this, there are some definite pros and cons to belonging to a gym - ten of which we have listed here!

How many do you agree with?!

The Good

1. Inspirational

Other people are probably some of the best inspiration you can get.

You don't see abs like that up-close in many other circumstances, do you?

2. Motivational

Seeing someone gain in confidence (and muscle!) since you first met them is one of the most motivational parts of belonging to a gym.

Be honest, you didn't think he had it in him and now he's leaving you for dust.

3. Encouraging

Striking up a rapport with a couple of trainers does wonders for the self-esteem and commitment levels.

Missing out on boxing class means missing out on that instructors always hilarious one-liners!

4. Energising

You may arrive looking and feeling like you haven't slept in a week, but that won't last long.

Bouncing out of that place forty minutes later is what it's all about!

5. Addictive

Yes, it's hellish and exhausting at times, but for some reason you wouldn't be without it.

Do you want to almost bring yourself to tears in Spin class again? You know it!

The Bad

1. Smell

Sweat,we can deal with it.

But to the people who decide to break wind from the minute they arrive to the minute they leave can move their mats away pronto.

2. Territorial

Realising someone is staking out the weight you're approaching can be unnerving at the best of times.

Do you take it and incur their wrath or do you skulk away with your tail between your legs?

3. Noises

Working-out beside someone who is making noises akin to the soundtrack of an X-rated flick can be a little distracting to say the least.

Is that really necessary, sir?

4. Space

We know everyone has all the same anatomical parts, but there are some parts we can do without seeing in such a confined space.

Would wearing underwear beneath your shorts or leggings kill you?!

5. Competition

A healthy dose of competition does wonders for lots of people, we get that.

But when the person next to you gives themselves a crick in their neck checking out the programme on your treadmill, you know you chose the wrong machine.



