New research has found that more babies who were born extremely prematurely are surviving with neurological problems.


A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed a growing percentage of preemies surviving without showing any signs of moderate to severe cognitive and motor delay.


Over 4,250 babies born between 22 and 24 weeks were assessed, and results showed a positive change from those born 10 years ago.


Between 2000 and 2003, only 30 percent of babies born extremely prematurely survived, in comparison to 36 percent of those born between 2008 and 2011.



The study reveals that the developments are down to improved care for preemies.


"We've taken a big focus on preventing infections,” lead researcher, Professor Michael Cotton said in the study.


“There's a lot more encouragement and support for the use of mothers' milk than there was 15 years ago, which has also been linked to better outcomes."

