You can’t simply go into the shops and pick up a blusher just because it is cheap or the colour just tickles your fancy. There are a number of things you need to consider: your own skin tone, your hair colour, your skin type and even the look you are after.
Here we list five of the most common skin tones and the blusher colours that complement them:
Fair skin
For fair skinned ladies, you need to go for a more peach colour, especially during the day. For nighttime, you can opt for something a little more daring like a bright pink.
Warm skin tone
Warm skinned toned women should choose a pinky brown - avoid anything too dark or light.
Olive skin tone
For a neutral look, olive tones should go for a blusher with a hint of orange.
Dark skin
If you have dark skin you can really wear any colour blusher and your tone will hold it well. Deep terracotta colours work well as do Barbie pinks.