The reality of working from home is so far from what people imagine it’s laughable! And while it can certainly help mums keep a work-life balance, it will only be successful if you are organised and prepared. 


If you do work from home, the following tips will help things run a little smoother:


Lists of jobs

Make sure you write down everything that needs to be done that day, including the times that they need to be done by. This will help you stick to a schedule and meet your deadlines.


Use their nap time to your advantage

If you are lucky enough that your toddler still enjoys a nap during the day, make sure you use it to your advantage and do jobs that require a serious amount of concentration then.


Stimulate the kids

Make sure your little one has plenty of toys to keep them stimulated without needing to constantly ask you to play with them.


Get dressed in the morning

It is easy to shy away from deadlines if you don’t manage to get out of your pyjamas until the afternoon! Make sure you are up, showered and dressed at a reasonable hour to be able to fit in all your jobs.


Make time for your toddler

No matter how busy you are, it is important you make time for your little one. Whether it’s an hour or two during the day where you head to the park or a day off mid-week, you need to be able to squeeze in some quality time.


Get help

Don’t feel like you need to do it all on your own and get help if you need it. Call in favours or even have a sitter come watch your little one for an hour or two a day so that you can get as much work done as possible. 


Take a break when they start whining

There will be whining but rather than shushing them until you finish, take a break and play with them. You will both feel much more relaxed and you will be able to finish your task when they are quieter and less upset. 

