SMS Tutor

SMS Tutor
SMS Tutor
B113 The Linc
Institute of Technology
Dublin Dublin 15


SMS Tutor is a daily texting service for secondary level students. Students receive daily texts in the subject/s of their choice filled with curriculum content, tips and challenges. SMS Tutor is blended learning, reinforcing what was learnt in the classroom and from the text books.
For all Junior/TY/Leaving Cert Students - SMS Tutor is the ultimate memory and revision tool. All our highly focussed education programmes are designed to supplement, enhance and reinforce formal school teaching rather than to replace. For Students from 2nd year to Leaving Cert. Research also shows that students who received SMS Tutor daily texts scored 40% better than those who do not receive our texts. Daily texts directly to students' mobile phones.


School Uniforms
Educational Toys
Education Tool*

