We’ve all been there. You’ve invited a bunch of friends over to hang out, watch a football match or binge on a Netflix series. At the last moment, you realize that you haven’t thought of what you’re going to serve them to eat. Do you scramble around looking for the local pizza delivery place’s phone number … again?
We have another suggestion: In the time that it takes you to have the pizza or other unhealthy fast-food delivered to your door, you could hop over to your nearest store or even raid your own pantry and put together a healthy, tasty vegetarian spread that will have your guests talking about for ages! Even if your guests are meat-lovers, we can almost guarantee that they won’t turn their noses up to a fresh gourmet spread.
Can’t get inspired? Think of your favourite dishes and try to apply them to a non-calorie laden spread. Page through a couple of magazines or head to DogSlots where you’ll be able find scrumptious food-themed slot games AND improve your slots skills in the process! 
Or you can read below for some of our favorite vegetarian party recipes!
Sweet Potato Chili
Who doesn’t love a comforting hot chili dish! You can definitely serve this as the main dish on the table as it's filling enough. One of the most popular dishes currently trending in the vegetarian cuisine sphere is sweet potato chili. This way, you get the perfect combo between the hot chili and the sweet potato. We’ve seen this dish convert deadpan carnivores who usually scoff at vegetarian dishes. By the time they’ve had their fill, they don’t even realize that there was no meat on their plate!
Buffalo Chickpea Salad Wrap
You don’t have to be in the United States in the middle of the NFL season to serve this dish (although it’s become standard fare in many football-loving vegetarian households in the US!). Basically, you’ll simmer chickpeas in a savory buffalo sauce or BBQ sauce which will be used as the filling of the wrap. If you want to go one step healthier, instead of using the contemporary, white-flour wraps, use lettuce leaves to wrap the chickpeas. Top off with some mayonnaise or, if you’re feeling especially nice, with some blue cheese crumble. Healthy, finger-lickin’ goodness that’s easy to make.
Layered Mediterranean Dip
Your vegetarian guests may be sick of the same-old-same-old hummus served to them at every get-together. So how about spoiling them with a jazzed up version of this traditional chickpea-based dip? On a flat dish, spread one carton of fresh hummus dip, followed by layers of freshly sliced red onion, black pitted Kalamata olives, diced tomatoes, chopped English cucumber and crumbled feta cheese. Serve with a side of toasted pita quarters topped with olive oil and kosher-salt. Be sure to make a few platters of this scrumptious dish – we never seem to make enough of them!
Vegetarian Quesadillas
Quesadillas are considered the perfect finger-food, especially when your hands are busy doing other things – like playing cards or gaming! We’ve upped the ante with our take on these delicious Mexican quesadillas. Make the filling with healthy options such as peppers, zucchini, onions, corn, garlic and herbs. Wrap it in whole wheat tortillas and serve with a good amount of side guacamole. If you like it hot, whip up a quick side-salsa so that your guest can dip their quesadillas.
Gluten Free Chickpea and Peanut Butter Cookies
Who said that vegetarians don’t have fun? When it comes to sweet or dessert options, the sky's the limit with what you can serve!  Sure, you can make a traditional chocolate cake or brownies, but think of all that sugar, white flour and empty calories!  Here’s an interesting but downright delicious option to serve your guests – and it’s perfect for those who don’t/can’t eat gluten either – chickpea cookies with peanut butter. The recipe calls for chickpea flour, peanut butter (the chunkier the better) and other ingredients to be mixed together and baked like regular cookies. Search the internet for your favorite recipe – there are many out there.
So that’s a wrap folks (OK, pun intended). With a little bit of effort and imagination, you could become known as the ultimate Health Host among your crowd. Your friends will flock to your home, hoping to get a taste or a whiff of your latest healthy creations and the best thing is that it doesn’t take any extra effort from your end. Bon appetit!

