With so many conflicting reports on the easiest way to lose weight, it’s not surprising that many of us often veer off course and fail to reach our goals.

Attempting to shed lbs or tone up a tummy is hard enough without being told you’re going about it the wrong way or scuppering your chances of reaching your target weight before you've even begun.

In general, we all know that if we want to see a difference in our appearance, we need to eat less and move more, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t plagued by thousands of other pieces of information which can leave us disheartened, frustrated and confused.

It’s time to separate fact from fiction.

1. Myth: Eating 'diet' or 'light' options are guaranteed to help you shed the lbs

Reality: 'Diet' or 'light' foods may have less fat, but they often boast more sugar in an effort to replace lost taste or flavour.

Be sure to keep this mind and don't be fooled by the label!

2. Myth: Eating after a certain time will cause you to gain weight

Eating certain foods will cause you to gain weight, but eating after 10 pm or later will not have any effect on your diet plans as long as you're chomping on the right things!

It's not the time, it's the content!

3. Myth: You can eat as much as you want as long as you exercise

A regular exercise plan will never counteract the negative impact of a poor diet, so try not to undo all your hard work by pigging out after a run.

Don't take one step forward and two steps back.

4. Myth: Saving up your calories means you can fill up on alcohol

 Cutting back on meals in order to indulge in wine or beer won't do you any favours in the long run.

Alcohol is full of empty calories, so don't scrimp on your nutritional needs just for that extra glass of wine at the weekend. Treat yourself, but don't deny yourself your nutritional requirements!

5. Myth: Carbohydrates make you fat so avoid at all costs

Reality: Carbohydrates should be included in a well-balanced diet, but it's important you fill up on complex carbs as opposed to simple carbs.

Cut down on white bread and pasta, but be sure to tuck into oatmeal and wholegrain bread when you fancy some carbs.



