In a survey conducted by SKYN Condoms, ‘sexting’ was said to be the most widespread flirty behaviour among millennials.


With over half of us all having sexted in our lifetimes, it’s time the rest of us jumped on that bandwagon.



"But what do I do?"


It can be awkward and uncomfortable and you might completely cringing at the words you’re saying but it has been proven to increase sexual pleasure among partners and who doesn’t want that?


So we’ve put together some advice to help you in your quest into the modern erotic love letter.



1. Choose your medium


Whether you’re using Snapchat, Facetime or regular old text messages, pick the one that works best for you and your situation.


Take into consideration where you are and how immediately you are going to respond.


Also what kind of content you might include.



2. Wait until you’re ready


Sometimes people can rush into it and use sexting as a way of building up to the real thing in a relationship.


And sometimes it can be very easy to get caught up in the moment and share all your wildest fantasies with someone and then can be very difficult to look them in the eye on your next date.


If you’re in a long term relationship and that’s probably not an issue.



3. Location, location, location


Choose you location wisely


Starting a heated conversation with your partner when you’re just about to go into a meeting is probably not the best idea for either party.


Always check first to see what they’re up to to get an understanding for the situation.


And don’t be disappointed if they’re obviously not in the right mind set or mood to get involved, there’s always tomorrow.



4. Take your time


First timers often make the mistake to get too heavy too quick.


Take your time, they’re not going anywhere.


Remember, treat this like the real thing and you wouldn’t rush straight to the deed if you were together.


Foreplay is your friend, in real life and when sexting.



5. Use description language


We’d recommend against sending pictures to the new person in your life.


You just don’t know what could happen and if Jennifer Lawrence’s pics can get onto the internet, so can yours.


So use your words to describe what you’re doing or want to do.


Even in a long-term relationship it can be nice to hold back on the pictures and let your mind do the talking.


And you already have the benefit of knowing what they like or fantasies they might have, so use that to your advantage.



6. It doesn’t have to be a regular thing


Remember, this doesn't have to be a permanent addition to your sex life if you don't want it to be.


But there has been plenty of research to show that sexting is beneficial to a relationship.


So give it a go, and if it’s a disaster you can always have a laugh about it afterwards.



The key is to not be afraid to try new things.


If you trust the person you’re with and feel comfortable with them, then what’s to lose?


SHARE this advice and try it out for yourself.

