When we think ‘eating clean’ we often imagine living like rabbits and gnawing on endless carrot sticks or cabbage leaves, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

The term ‘eating clean’ is bandied around so often that many of us don’t want to admit that we’re not quite sure how to do it.

Is it as simple as including an apple in your diet or as difficult as cutting out everything that can’t be found growing outside?

Neither, but it is doable! 'Eating clean' simply means opting for the healthiest choices when it comes to your diet,

There are no hard and fast rules, and as busy mum with endless other responsibilities, that’s just as well!

Here are a few handy tips to get you started!

1. Increase your fruit and veg intake

It may sound obvious, but people often overlook the importance of filling up on these essential items when the hunger pangs kick in!
Don’t ignore tummy rumbles by promising yourself you’ll eat a big meal later. Be sure to tuck into some handy fruit snacks in order to keep your inner system ticking over!

2. Limit processed foods

If it comes in a plastic packet, then there’s a good chance you may want to steer clear of it and yes, that includes so-called 'healthy' ready-meals.

If the product's list of ingredients is longer than your arm, then avoid at all costs!

3. Cut out sugar

You might think you avoid sugar because you’re not partial to chocolate or biscuits, but you need to identify other sources you may be falling foul of.

Are your yoghurts particularly sugary? And what about the sweetener you add to your coffee?

4. Cut down on meat

You don’t need to eliminate meat from your diet entirely, but it wouldn’t do you any harm to replace your normal mince and pasta dish with fish and fresh vegetables.

By reducing your meat intake, you are also reducing your saturated fat intake!

5. Drink more water

By increasing your water intake, you are flushing out your system meaning it will work more efficiently and keep hunger pangs at bay as well!

Your body needs water to survive so don’t deprive it!




