It’s a momentous occasion when you finally reach your target weight, isn’t it?

Those hours of exercise and those moments of sheer willpower are all worth it when you finally step into those jeans or slip into that dress you’ve been dreaming about for months or even years.

Unfortunately, however, maintaining your new size requires almost as much effort of getting there in the first place.

While it’s tempting to slip back into old habits, it’s important to remember that this is the danger zone and you need to keep your head in the game!

Becoming complacent is what makes this time the most difficult in your new lifestyle and nutrition plan.

But don’t worry, we have five handy tips to make sure you stay feeling and looking as healthy and fit as you deserve!

1. Remember how much effort you put in

Remember all the time you put into shedding those lbs?

Well, they’ll creep back on ten times quicker if you don’t keep your head in the game!

Remind yourself not to waste those hours in the gym by tucking into goodies every evening as a ‘reward’ for your hard work.

2. Treat yourself to one cheat day

You are entitled to celebrate your achievement because lets face it, dropping a dress size or reaching a target weight is not easy in anyone’s language.

Make sure you allow yourself one day a week to treat yourself to the snack or meal you swore off during your weight loss journey.

Knowing that you have a specific day in which to reward yourself makes staying healthy a lot easier during the rest of the week!

3. Compare photos of the old you and the new you

Get snap happy and pose to your heart’s content in your new size.

Compare an old photo with your new stunning shots and take a moment to bask in your incredible achievement.

Which one would you rather look like? Exactly!

4. Splash out on new exercise gear

This is the perfect time to treat yourself to new exercise clothes.

Why not consider your old gear as representative of the first stage of your journey and make your shiny new gear a symbol of the next stage?

We’ll be honest, we find it a lot easier to hit the gym when we’ve some snazzy new outfits to show off!

5. Shake up your diet

You may be sick of sticking to the same failsafe foods while journeying towards your goal weight, so now is the time to shake up your meal plans.

If you’re serious about sticking to your new size, then it’s time to get creative in the kitchen.

Variety is the spice of life after all!


