A lot of us are regular users of a hair dryer. Some of us use them in a rush to get dry hair before we leave the house and others use them to try and straighten their hair. Whatever the reason, using a hairdryer regularly is not the best thing you can do for your hair. Subjecting your hair to extreme heat that a hairdryer blows out can leave it damaged and frizzy, giving you hair that is hard to manage and control. If you have time, letting your hair dry naturally is ideal, but in case you can’t it is wise to learn how to look after your hair so that you can blow dry it with confidence.
There are sprays available on the market which can protect your hair and prepare it for the extreme heat of a hairdryer. Applying a heat protectant to damp hair before drying it is a great way to reduce the risk of breakage, frizz and heat dryness.
Keep your hair moisturised

Blow drying your hair regularly makes it vulnerable to dryness, so it’s very important therefore to keep it hydrated. Using a moisturising shampoo and conditioner as regularly as possible, ideally most days of the week may help replace some of the lost moisture to your hair.

It may also be worth you considering using a deep-conditioning masque or reconstructing products if your hair is very dry as a result of blow drying. Your hair stylist should be able to recommend one to use that will suit your hair type.
Blow dry on a low setting

Many of us blow dry our hair on the highest setting but turning it down to a lower one is better for your hair. Although it won’t dry as quick, your hair won’t be subjected to extreme and damaging heat. Consider using the coldest heat option or a medium setting if time is an issue.

The above tips are useful for anyone who blow dries their hair, particularly those with fragile or colour treated hair which is prone to damage and breaking. 

