Dr Conrad Cean always dreamed of starting his own family, but never managed to find the right woman to settle down with, so he went out on his own in search of alternative methods.
Initially, adoption was considered, but it is quite difficult for a single man to adopt a child in America, plus the doctor wanted children "of his own flesh and blood."
When he turned 36, Conrad made the decision to seek out a surrogate, who would be implanted with his sperm and a donor egg, with the ultimate goal of birthing his biological children.
According to The New York Post, after a number of failed attempts, two embryos were implanted into a surrogate in Panama, and Conrad was set to be a father of TWINS. HURRAY!
The world welcomed Kennedy-Josephine and her brother Konrad on August 30, 2013, and despite missing the birth by just 30 minutes, Conrad said he "immediately bonded with them."
Upon his return, Conrad hosted a baby shower, when the twins were two months old, and he recalled a hilarious moment from the party.
"It was hilarious, because nobody told the DJ that I was a single father. In the middle of the party, he went up to the microphone and said: 'So let’s hear it for Conrad and his beautiful wife!' Then, everyone who wasn’t in the know was searching for the missing mom!"
While working hard as a full time father, Conrad began a relationship with Shawna Thompson, and the couple have been inseparable ever since.
"The kids call her Mommy and adore her. As far as they’re concerned, she fits right into that role."
According to the Williams Institute, "More than 1 million men are raising children on their own in America, and many are doing it by choice."
This may not be the most traditional way to start a family, but for Conrad, it was the "best decision" he ever made.