Cork Movement Centre

Cork Movement Centre Cork Movement Centre Cork Movement Centre Cork Movement Centre
32/33 South Main Street


From this provider / About this provider: The Mum & Baby Yoga brings mother and baby together, ensuring the health and happiness of both. After birth it is very important to support the realignment of the spine and the muscles of the pelvic floor. At the beginning motherhood sometimes can be quite a challenge, yoga breathing and mindfulness during the practise will nurture the Mum and their Babies. Mum and Baby yoga is a chance for the mum to get back in shape a little quicker and to meet other mums with their babies. Also Pre-Natal Yoga the fundamental basics in Yoga of increasing flexibility, mobility and decreasing tension and stress are perfectly compatible with the needs of mothers to be and their babies. All our Pregnancy Yoga classes having a great emphasise on essential birthing breathing techniques. The carefully chosen movements will help to build up strength and to increase the flexibility to prepare the mum to be for during pregnancy, birth giving and beyond. The deep relaxation at the end will help you to wind down, to let go from stress and anxiety but especially to nourish the beautiful relationship between Mum and Baby- a special and important time for both mum to be her baby. The fully equipped Centre provides a new beautiful and peaceful venue under qualified and experience guidance.

