We tend to tackle the New Year much like a sprint-racer, throwing all of our muscle behind making it to the finish line the fastest. But, if we haven’t put in the hard-core training to begin with, this can often end in failure.


So, rather than spending this month punishing ourselves with strict and unrealistic resolutions, let’s focus on some simple and do-able changes. Here are 10 that everyone can stick to.


1. Go for regular health check-ups

This is something that a lot of us tend to let slide, and whether it’s a dental check or a smear test, it’s important to maintain your health as best as you can. If you get called for a check-up, commit to the appointment – after all, our health is truly our wealth.


2. Drink more water

Sure, you might hate the stuff, but it’s not called ‘the elixir of life’ for nothing. If you don’t like the taste of water, add in some fruit or a drop of juice to make it more palatable. The best way to up your intake is to have a bottle or a jug of it there beside you, always in reach when you need a sip.



3. Don’t skip breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, with the nutrients consumed first thing in the morning fuelling your work and activity throughout the day. If you don’t have time for a sit-down breakfast, catch something on-the-go, like a banana or a healthy cereal bar. Otherwise, have something to hand in the cupboard or on your desk at work.


4. Count to 10

Everyone gets stressed, and you wouldn’t be the first person to feel anxiety over something that truly doesn’t warrant a second thought. When you start to feel yourself getting stressed out, stop and count to 10, and consider whether or not this mistake/ thought/ experience really deserves all of the energy you will spend worrying over it.


5. Get some ‘me time’

Whether it’s just half an hour in front of your favourite show, a 20-minute walk in the evening, or a few chapters of a book before you go to bed; be sure to fit in some ‘me time’ where you get to relax and forget about the day. This is essential in order to clear your head and prepare yourself for tomorrow.



6. Eat more fruit

Whether it’s the taste or the texture that you don’t like, there are many ways to ensure you still get some fruity nutrients into your body. Puree your fruit and mix it into your morning porridge to add a tasty kick, or blitz it with some yoghurt and juice in a smoothie.


7. Don’t go hungry

How many times have you skipped lunch or gone until 6 o’clock without eating, only to gorge on a calorific takeaway to satisfy your hunger? If you’re anything like us, the answer will be many times! It’s no wonder then, that experts advise us never to go hungry – it just leads to unhealthy habits. Carry some fruit, nuts or cereal bars around with you if you work on-the-go, and ensure that you always respond to those tummy rumbles.


8. Cut down your sugar intake

Whether it’s indulging in that bar of chocolate when the kids are having a treat, or sneaking an extra cookie to satisfy that sweet tooth, we’re all a little bit guilty of overloading on sugar. Cutting it out completely will only lead to a sugar-binge, so take little steps by cutting down your intake ever so slightly. We bet that, in a month’s time, you will feel way better for it.



9. Add more grains to your food

Wholegrains are wonder-foods when it comes to your digestion, heart health and beyond, and it’s relatively easy to add them into your diet. Add a spoon of grains to your porridge or soup to add extra crunch, and substitute your white rice, pasta and bread for wholegrain versions.


10. Get a little exercise every day

A major study previously found that fitting in 20 minutes’ worth of exercise every day can prolong your life as well as improve your overall health, so make a conscious effort to fit it in. You don’t have to head for the hills on a jog – a walk or a short routine (there are so many DVDs out there), or even a programme on the Wii will make all the difference in the long-run.


