If you secretly long to channel your inner baking goddess in the kitchen, but are too snowed under juggling work and family commitments to devote time to treacle tarts and tiramisu, then we have just the thing for you!

Boutique Bake ticks all the boxes for any busy mum who wants to treat herself (and the family!) to some delicious desserts.

If you’re eager to fill your home with the scent of freshly baked bread or warm chocolate brownies but without any of the fuss, then Boutique Bake has got you covered.

Incredibly simple, unbelievably tasty and bound to impress family and friends alike, these gourmet baking mixes are the ideal addition to any mum’s food cupboard.

Our MP!TV reporter Niamh Geaney chatted to Catherine and Suzanne, the faces behind the wonderful Boutique Bake, and got the lowdown on all they have to offer.

Check this out!

