Anyone who is breastfeeding will know that when Baby needs their milk, they really NEED that milk – and it can happen at any time, in any place.


Anecia Wright can attest to this, and her wedding album is providing the beautiful proof.


The beautiful mum took to Facebook to share one of her and her husband’s favourite images from their special day: when Anecia took some time out to nurse their son.



“Hubby told me…that he loves my dedication in nursing our son. I love nursing, and nobody can ever make me feel embarrassed or ashamed about feeding our child in the most natural way,” she wrote.


The image has proven just as popular online, garnering hundreds of 'likes' from fellow nursing mums.


“This is beautiful. You are so pretty. CONGRATULATIONS, again,” wrote one delighted friend.



Another chimed in: “A mother at work. Get it.”


Now that is loving dedication for you! Well done, Mum.


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