We all know that pregnancy is a pretty magical experience, but it’s not all glowing skin and butterflies. No way! It can have its embarrassing moments. A lot of embarrassing moments!


We asked MummyPages Mums to share anything cringe-worthy that happened during their nine months and this is what they said – you might be able to relate to a few!


1. Linda: "Passing a chipper on a main road, I vomited and peed myself at the same time. [I just] wanted the ground to open up and swallow me."


2. Gloriana: "I had terrible morning sickness and one morning getting off the train at Grand Central Station, I had forgotten a puke bag so I had to vomit in my lunchbox. On my lunch. In a sea of commuters. I threw out everything except my apple. Surprisingly I had no problem eating it..."


3. Caroline: "The most embarrassing thing [to happen to me] while I was pregnant is a toss up between my waters breaking in the middle of the supermarket cafe and the staff panicking and putting a first aid screen around me [...] or when I went to the hospital after my waters broke and forgetting that I had my husband's pants on 'cause none of mine fitted anymore..."  


4. Abbey Louise: "I peed myself in the middle of the street."


5. Emiily: "I was a week overdue so very clearly fed up with being the size of a house and extremely uncomfortable - I was literally drinking cup after cup of raspberry leaf tea. At lunch with my friend, she made me laugh so much [that] I wet myself in the middle of Costa coffee. I was so embarrassed I said my waters had broken!"


6. Lea: "Was about 13 weeks and me and my mum went for a drive to a Mothercare - our local was a good hour away. Anyway, I had morning sickness and I already been sick before we left. But half way there, I thought 'oh no, mum pull over pull over' lol - the only place she could pull over was at a bus stop. Which had two old ladies at it. I opened the door, swung over and... burgh! Haha! I said 'so sorry'  then went 'mum drive!!'"



7. Naomi: "This happened just after my daughter was born. I was really constipated so hadn't pooped for a few days. I was in the kitchen with my mother-in-law and presumed I just need to fart, turns out I pooped my pants. Never said a thing I was so embarrassed, not that anyone realised. I confessed to my hubby later and he thought it was so funny he told everyone!"


8. Nilima: "I peed myself in a board meeting. I carried on like nothing happened!"


9. Jennifer: "It was the first time I had been able to keep breakfast down and brush my teeth for six weeks. I had just started the engine of my car to go to work that morning, when the vibration of the car was just too much and I was sick all over the wind screen, steering wheel, controls, gear stick and door - oh and myself! My boss (male, no kids) was rather skeptical when I phoned to say I was going to be late, but there was no denying the smell in my car!!"



10. Helen: "Sat watching my daughter's dance rehearsal and my waters went. Gathered up ballet shoes and pompoms and walked over to the stage to get my daughter when a second gush came. It was like Little Britain without the comedy. Then had a mum take car keys off me because apparently I wasn't to drive home... So sat in friend's mini bus on a plastic bag. Funny but what a palaver!"


11. Laura: "A guy stood to let me have a seat on the underground while on an overcrowded, rush hour tube. As I sat down, I let out the most almighty fart. I mean it was virtually cartoonesque in its loudness. I had to sit there for the rest of the journey feeling absolutely mortified whilst other people either smirked or sent pitying glances my way."


12. Kelly: "After both c-sections, I had to pee in a jug as I couldn't sit for the pain! Me and my partner laugh about it now, but at the time I was mortified!"


