You asked

How can I teach my child to swallow a pill?

For the most part, toddlers are too young to swallow pills, capsules or tablets. However, there may come a time a little later on when your toddler is prescribed medication in tablet form, and knowing how to teach your child to take a tablet can be a valuable asset!

To teach your child to swallow a tablet, find a tiny, hard sweet like a tic tac that resembles a very small tablet in shape, size and density. Have your child take a gulp of water, but tell him or her to hold it in their mouth, and look at the ceiling. Slip the sweet into the side of your child’s mouth. It should sink to the back of the mouth, and then you can have your child swallow the water, taking the pill with it.

If you want to teach your child to take capsules that float, follow the same procedure with the capsule, but have him or her look at the floor, so that the capsule floats upwards.

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