You asked

I hope having a baby will not interfere with my social life too much.

Obviously, once your baby is born your social life is not going to be the same anymore. However, your social life does not have to be non-existent simply because you have a baby. There is a good chance that for the first few weeks you will be a little unsure of the situation and will not really want to go out at all. Once you have more confidence you will be able to go out often, especially if you are breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding allows you to go anywhere you want to and at any time with your baby. There is no feeding equipment to haul around with you, no bottles to make up, and no worries about keeping the bottled milk fresh and germ-free. Breastfeeding allows you a lot of freedom so take advantage of this and visit family and friends as often as you like. Wear a maternity bra and a t-shirt or a blouse that buttons down the front - you can pull up the t-shirt at feeding time, or simply unbutton your blouse. Both of these make for easy breastfeeding outside the home.
If you need to be away from your baby during feeding time, express some milk and store it in the refrigerator. This milk can be given to your baby by spoon, cup or bottle. The amount of milk you produce works on a supply and demand basis, so expressing milk will actually give you an extra stock of milk if and when it is needed.

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