She gave birth to her daughter, Ella Rose, at the end of last year, but instead of being allowed enjoy family life, Natasha Hamilton has had to deal with cruel “4X4” comments.


The former Atomic Kitten singer has four kids by four different fathers (which is what the "4X4" comments are referring to), and states that people can criticise her weight and her looks but not her family.


Speaking to The Mirror, the 32-year-old said: "I get people saying nasty things because my kids have different dads. But I feel I would have been a worse mum staying in relationships that were detrimental to me and my children's happiness."


"I've realised you can do all you can to make your life right and it's not always down to you, it's down to the other person and you can't control them,” she said.


However, while the singer, who is also mum to Josh, 12, Harry who is ten and four-year-old Alfie, admits that this is not what she had wanted in life, she wouldn’t change a thing: "Is it what I wanted out of my life? No, of course not. But I have my lovely sons and now a daughter and you just have to stop dragging the baggage of the past around with you and move on."


The mum-of-four is currently going out with Ritchie Neville and hopes this is her happy ever after: "I hope with all my heart this time it's for ever and the happy-ever-after ending I've always wanted."


"I don't think I've ever been as happy and secure. He's been through a lot like me so we seem to understand one another."




