While the negative effects of smoking on a person’s health have always been well-publicised, these latest statistics drive home just how harmful a habit it is for smokers and those around them.


A new study carried out by researchers at the University of Edinburgh claims that the introduction of the smoking ban has had a majorly positive impact on children’s health.


According to the statistics, the ban has spared thousands of children from developing respiratory problems.


Researchers looked at over one-and-a-half million hospital admissions for UK kids aged 14 years and under, between the years 2001 and 2012. An in-depth study of the data showed that 11,000 fewer children were admitted to hospital each year with respiratory issues after the introduction of the smoking ban to the UK in 2007.



The smoking ban was introduced in Ireland back in 2004, and while the data explored in this study looked at the effects of the ban in the UK, these statistics are significant for families everywhere.


Statistically, the findings revealed that there was an immediate reduction of 13.8% in admissions for lower respiratory tract infections after the ban was introduced.


Commenting on the findings, Professor Aziz Sheikh from the University said: “When you look at the results of this study alongside national data showing a decrease in smoking within the home, the findings greatly strengthen the recommendations for the global implementation of legislation prohibiting smoking in public places.”


