With the Christmas party season in full swing, it is important you make the time to sit down and talk to your teen about alcohol and alcohol consumption. While it is not a particularly easy topic to approach, with many mums fearing their teen will lash out, feel cornered, or that you don’t trust them, it is something that needs to be discussed.


Firstly, ask them how they feel about drinking

This will make them feel like they are involved in the conversation and not simply being lectured. It will also help you become more aware of how they view drinking and whether or not they have already tried it.


Talk to them about the dangers associated with alcohol

We are all aware of the dangers associated with excessive alcohol consumption, but sometimes it takes a one-on-one conversation with someone they trust for it to really sink in. Make sure you stick to things that they would concern them and are associated with drinking, like weight gain, bad skin and embarrassing situations.


Help them deal with peer pressure

Unfortunately, one of the biggest reasons teens start drinking is down to peer pressure and the fear of looking uncool or feeling left out. So it is important to give them the skills to say no. Give your teen advice on what to say when asked to drink or how to stand up for themselves and their morals.


Make them aware of your views

Finally, once you have made your views of alcohol consumption known you need to set rules and consequences if they are broken. Whether this involves a curfew or being collected by you from parties, you both need to agree in order for it to work.


Talk about your own alcohol consumption

Being open and honest about your own alcohol consumption will help you connect with your teen and make them feel more comfortable opening up to you. However, it is important you are careful about what you say, for instance, if you started drinking quite young you need to talk about negative aspects and not glorify it. 

