Here are MummyPages, we firmly believe that every mum is a superhero. Just look at all the amazing things we achieve on a daily basis - and our bodies even produced life!


With Mother's Day around the corner, MummyPages and Lidl want to acknowledge the mind-blowing abilities every mum has. Visit our competition page and tell us why you or someone you know is a Super Mum and you could win a €200 voucher.


Here are just some of the amazing super powers we think mums have...


1. Shape-shifting

Pregnancy requires some serious body manipulation and mums can do it without even trying.



2. The power of persuasion


Only we can convince a toddler that they don’t actually want to shave the cat.



3. Psychic communication


Letting your child know they’re in big trouble with nothing more than the twitch of an eyebrow.



4. Clairvoyance


Parents, friends and even doctors may tell her otherwise, but Mum can sense when something is wrong with her little one.



5. Super speed


Showering, dressing and applying make-up in less than five minutes, morphing from a haggard, crusty troll into a Regular Human Being in inhuman time.



6. Alchemy


The ability to make an amazing dinner out of the random items found in the cupboard.



7. Steel stomachs


We can clean poo, vomit, snot and smushed food without batting an eyelid.



8. Super strength


Carrying toddlers and grocery bags in just one trip.



9. The ability to understand every language


From baby gurgles and toddler gibberish to teen grunts, Mum can understand it all.



10. Raising the dead


Getting your zombified partner out of bed to take the 3am feed.



11. Teleporting


Getting naked urinating toddlers to their potties in a split second.



12. Sensory tracking


Finding  our kids’ “Oh my God, it’s lost forever” items almost immediately.



13. Super hearing


The ability to hear a toddler up to mischief from rooms away or to identify our little one’s cry in a crowd.



14. Lie detector


Mums know exactly when their children are fibbing.



15. Healing powers


We’ve been curing cuts, bruises and tears with a single kiss since the beginning of time.



16. The power of prediction


Knowing that the toy you convinced us to buy wouldn’t actually be the last thing you absolutely, totally would ever ask us for. 



