We all know that the mornings are HECTIC! But no matter how many times we've waved our kids off at school feeling like we've just run a marathon, we still have high expectations of how things will play out as soon as we wake up. 


If you have ever had to deal with the stress that is the school run, you'll absolutely be able to relate to the following expectations versus reality


1. Being on time:

Expectation: You’ll arrive with enough time to spare to have a chat with the other mums


Reality: You’ll almost push your little one through the door in a mad haste to get them in on time.


2. Enjoying a good hearty breakfast:

Expectation: You’ll all sit down at the kitchen table and have a quick chat about what you’ll all being doing that day.


Reality: You’ll be stuffing porridge into your child’s mouth as they put on their coat and try to brush their hair at the same time.



3. Uniform fun

Expectation: The kids will be immaculately dressed as they skip them the stairs for breakfast.


Reality: There will only be one pair of socks between the two of them and they’ll spill milk all over their shirt as soon as they sit down at the table – nothing their jumper won’t hide...


4. Play nicely!

Expectation: Older siblings will help younger siblings pack their bags, zip up their coat and even do their hair.


Reality: Yeah right! You’ll spend the morning hoping you don’t bump into your neighbours because you’re SURE they heard you all yelling at each other!


5. How you look when you arrive at the school gate

Expectation: You'll rival even Carrie Bradshaw at her best....


Reality: You'll throw on your most expensive coat to hide the fact that you're still wearing your pyjamas underneath...




