Your teen’s first concert can be worrying experience for a parent, especially if your child is attending their first gig unchaperoned. But with a little preparation, your child’s first concert can still be an enjoyable experience for them, as well as worry free one for you.
Check the venue rules
Before attending any concert remember to check the rules, as some places have strict procedures when it comes to under 18’s attendees. Concert rules are often printed on the back of tickets, but other venues may require a little investigation. Don’t be surprised if your teen isn’t allowed into a gig without an adult chaperone. Even if they protest, you may have to attend the concert with them or at the very least organise someone who is over 18 to go. It’s always important to check the venue’s rules, to avoid disappointment.
Discuss what might occur
This could be your teen’s first experience attending an over 18’s event and may be a wakeup call for them, on how some adults behave. Explain to your teen that adults may be inebriated and despite rules set in place, there will be plenty who break them. Its best to explain every scenario that is likely to occur and what they should do in these situations. If your teen is prepared for the worst case scenarios, it won’t seem as daunting, if it does unfortunately happen.
Ground rules
Talk to your teen about your ground rules and explain to them why they are there. If your teen understands that those rules are there to protect them and not restrict them, they should have no problem in following them. Remind your teen to stick with their friends, don’t talk to strangers, keep their phone with them at all times and organise a meeting place, in case they get separated.
But most importantly, remind them why they are attending the concert in the first place. That they are there to watch an act that they have always loved and anything else that occurs at the gig, should not matter.

