The vast majority of us have attempted to cut back when it comes to the biscuit tin and rein it in when it comes to the ice cream cartons, right?

And while there's much to be said for the benefits of eating healthily, nourishing your body and staying on the straight and narrow when it comes to your nutrition plan, there's no denying it can be incredibly difficult at times.

If you've ever attempted any of the above, then it's highly likely you may recognise the following signs.

1. Other peoples plates look a lot more appealing.

You may have spent an hour preparing a nutritious but tasty lunch, and yet all you want are the burnt chips on your colleague's plate.

2. Temptation lurks at every turn.

You could swear one of the mums in the school yard smells exactly like a Bounty bar, but it's probably just her coconut hand cream.

3. Daydreams no longer involve the lottery.

When once you envisioned a yacht and a beach-side home, now you fantastise about a bacon butty and a full-fat Coke.

4. Your child's lunch boxes are your Kryptonite.

Trying not to eat that leftover jam sandwich is excruciating

5. Putting the kettle on isn't as comforting as it once was.

It used signal a nice cuppa with a side of chocolate, but today it's yet another green tea.

6. Saturday nights aren't quite the same anymore.

X Factor and a takeaway? Nah, it's time for yet another green tea, I'm afraid.

7. You spend more time in the bathroom than you ever did while pregnant.

That'll be the three litres of water you're consuming per day.

8. Office cakes are no longer a cause for celebration.

"I'll come out when they're gone!"

9. Your handbag has changed shape.

That's because you're constantly carting tupperware boxes of healthy snacks around.

10. Pinterest is no longer for home furnishings and stylish ensembles.

It's for creative ways to take the damn monotony out this diet, right?


