When you become a mum, your priorities change and you may find yourself taking a back seat most of the time.

Juggling child care, work responsibilities and family commitments means we often put ourselves in second, third or even fourth and fifth place.

It's important to remember that our health and well-being is just as important as anyone else's, but as most mums know, attempting to lose weight or shed a few lbs isn't always easy when you're cooking for an entire brood or working off someone else's schedule.

If this sounds familiar, then why not check out our top ten tips on how a busy mum can lose weight with very little effort!

1. Your children's leftovers are not devoid of calories

It's easy to pop the remainder of their lunch in your mouth, but this habit needs to come to an immediate stop if you're serious about shedding the lbs!

2. Keep a food diary

Identifying where you slip up during the day is invaluable if you want to break the cycle.

3. Preparation is key

Do not find yourself without a healthy snack because that signals disaster! Pop carrot sticks or almonds in your bag if you're out and about to stop you reaching for a muffin with that coffee.

4. Spice up the family menu

There's nothing to say your entire family can't benefit from your plans! Rustle up some healthy dishes the whole family can enjoy, so you don't end up feeling deprived around the dinner table.

5. Ask your partner or friends for support

Letting a few loved ones know that you're serious about kicking your unhealthy eating habits means they'll be there for moral support when you want them and a kick up the bum when you need it!

6. Don't use your child's food preferences as an excuse

So what if your little one prefers that sugary cereal? If you don't think it can be kept in the house without you reaching for it, then make a healthier choice with both you and your child in mind. It really is win-win.

7. Do not reward yourself with food

If you're in the habit of treating yourself after getting through a mammoth pile of ironing or working through that backlog of emails, then quit it now! Lets face it, we achieve so much throughout our day, we couldn't possibly reward ourselves with a chocolate bar every time!

8. Devote time to yourself

Find 20 minutes every single day to break a sweat. This could be a brisk walk around the block, a quick session with a fitness DVD or a short spin session, but if you don't find the time to sweat it out for yourself, who will?

9. Remind yourself of your goals

Is there a photo that inspires you or a snapshot of a time when you were most comfortable in your own skin? Pop that pic somewhere  so you see it every day. It may sound silly, but it's a proven method when attempting to lose weight. No shame in our game!

10. Don't be hard on yourself

If you're not seeing the results you want, this is not a cue to give up, but a reminder to keep going! You will get there, we promise!


