When it comes to our skin, all the lotions and potions in the world won’t make a shred of a difference if we’re putting the wrong foods into our bodies. Here are 10 of the worst offenders for bad skin.


1. Milk

Research has shown that there is a link between increased acne breakouts and high dairy intake in the diet. Experts believe that the high content of natural growth hormones in the milk stimulates the growth of acne, with other dairy products – except for yoghurt – equally responsible for outbreaks.


2. Salt

Too much salt in your diet can cause your skin tissue to swell, leaving your face looking puffy, red and prone to acne breakouts.


3. Processed meats

Whether pre-packed or bought at the deli counter, processed meats can prove harmful for the skin. While the exact reason for this is not yet known, experts believe that chemicals used to treat the meat can cause inflammation of the skin.



4. Alcohol

While a drink or two in moderation is fine, binge-drinking alcohol not only dehydrates your skin but can also trigger rosacea.


5. Rice cakes

This may be an unexpected addition to the list, but sadly, it’s true. Rice cakes are full of refined carbohydrates which, when eaten, get broken down into sugar in the body. This can damage your natural collagen and elastin, which can leave your skin dull and prematurely wrinkled.


6. Fizzy drinks

As with your teeth, fizzy drinks are also a no-no when it comes to keeping your skin in tip-top condition. To have good skin, you need to keep your blood-sugar levels balanced, and unfortunately, fizzy drinks and sodas will drive your levels up sky-high.



7. Sweets

Again, high sugar levels will damage your natural collagen and elastin, leaving your skin generally unhealthy and prone to breakouts.


8. Fast food

This is not exactly a shocker. However, do you know exactly how bad fast food is for your skin? Containing trans fats, saturated fats, food colourings and dyes, MSG, salt and much, much more; your favourite fast food will leave your pores clogged, and your skin dehydrated, wrinkled and prone to breakouts.


9. Shellfish

A diet which is overly-dependent on shellfish can leave you with high levels of iodine in your body, which can cause spot breakouts and acne.


10. White bread

This can be grouped along with white pasta and cakes. Recent research linked the increased consumption of these items with acne. Wholewheat alternatives contain high levels of antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation in the skin.


