Being a mum is hard work and anything that makes our lives easier is always welcomed.


So whether you are really busy, too tired or simply feeling a little lazy, these ten mum hacks will make your life a lot less hectic:


1. Put a hook on the back of your baby’s highchair


Keep your bibs all together by putting a hook at the back of their highchair. This way you will always have a bib to hand when it comes to feeding time. It’s also a great place to store them.


2. Clean toys in the dishwasher


Stressed out trying to keep your baby’s toys clean and germ-free? Well, throw them all into the dishwasher and they’ll be sparkling clean in no time at all.


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3. Medicine reminder


Keep track of your little one’s medicine by writing times and dates of when you have given it to them on the side of the bottle. You’ll never miss a dose again.


4. Give medicine without problems


If your little one refuses to take their medicine, cut a hole in their soother and conceal the medicine dropper in it.


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5. Protect fingers


When they start to crawl around make sure you protect their little fingers by cutting a pool noodle down the middle and securing it on your door.


6. Use a baby shower hat


Before you wash your little one’s hair, pop a baby shower cap on their head to stop water getting into their eyes.


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7. Got the sniffles?


If your little one has the sniffles help clear their nose by putting vapour rub on their feet and covering it with socks. This way they won’t accidently get it on their face or in their eyes.


8. No baby bath? No problem


Put a clothes basket into the bath and pop your little one into it – make sure it is a plastic, low-sided basket though!


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9. A baby bag for each car


Never forget your baby bag by putting one into each car so you’ll always have it for emergencies. 


10. Use a night light when changing a nappy


No need to wake baby when changing their nappy – pop on a night light.


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