Mary McGrath was born on Easter Monday 1916, and the now 100-year-old woman has shared the one thing we all want to know: the secret to a long life.
Talking Neil Prendeville’s Red FM today, Mary, who is from Barrack Street in Cork, has become a celebrity in the city this year, taking part in the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and even getting involved in Bus Éireann’s Women of the Rising campaign.
And the secret to a long life?
Well, according to Mary, who has seen two World Wars, it is "no worry; no stress".
And it clearly works.
Despite having had a bad fall last year, which saw her in a home for six months, Mary said that she is not on any tablets despite her age.
The youngest of seven, she admits to having a "grand time" growing up, however, while she doesn’t have any regrets for never getting married, despite having “plenty of suitors", she did tell Neil that “it was a very lonely life”.
Red FM's presenter, who was clearly besotted with her, couldn’t help but say: “I think that you are just fantastic” adding that he felt honoured to be given the chance to talk to her.
Playing her favourite, Nate King Cole Around the World, Mary stayed on air to have a bit of a sing song, and we couldn’t help but fall in love with her.
What a true inspiration.