After the festivities of December, the month of January stretches out in front of us in what looks like weeks of bad weather, empty bank accounts and broken resolutions.

While we're only five days into the new year, it's fair to say some of us have already cracked under the pressure and broken a number of resolutions we were sure we would stick to until, at least, February.

But never fear, after the inevitable disaster and exhaustion of the first week, many of us consider the first weekend in January an opportunity to start afresh (again), officially get our second wind and become the people we're truly meant to be.

Here are just 15 thoughts many of us have as Friday edges ever nearer.

1. I just need a full weekend to really get myself on track.

It's unrealistic to think otherwise.

2. How can I be expected to become a new improved version of myself when the remnants of Christmas are still hanging around the house?

The old me had a hand in that big old mess.

3. I'm binning every single decoration I trip over on Saturday if they haven't found a proper place before then.

Except the dancing Santa, obvs!

4. The new me would definitely purchase a yoga mat. I should do that.

Where does one buy one?

5. My post-Christmas grocery shop on Saturday will impress everyone, except the kids of course.

It's not about the kids this month. 

6. I hope no one suggests an evening out. I can barely afford the yoga mat.

Maybe an old hall mat will do?

7. I'm going to give myself a hair treatment on Friday night.

Long luscious locks, here I come!

8. Sunday night is going to be a mani / pedi haven.

I'm going to be a woman who uses toe seperaters.

9. I will address my financial issues on Saturday.

Start as you mean to go on, right!

10. The family calendar is getting a makeover and everyone is getting their own coloured pen for personal events

I'll be like a TV mum!

11. I'm going to clean the skirting boards.

Now is the time to focus on the little details.

12. I'm going to experiment with smoothie recipes so I'll be on top of my game by Monday.

I wish I liked smoothies.

13. Is January a good time to defrost the freezer?

Or no?

14. I'm going to open every window in the house.

Airing out the house is vital at this time for the year. right?

15. I will wake up on Monday and my life will officially be on track.

I can't wait for the weekend.


