Here at MummyPages we love anything that saves us something – time, energy, money, sanity...especially sanity.


IKEA has just announced it will become the first major global retailer to offer a 100% LED lighting range this September, which means they’re helping shoppers to save a lot. LED lighting uses 85% less energy and also lasts 20-times longer than incandescent bulbs, saving you money while also helping the environment.


This announcement has got us thinking about all those little ‘lightbulb moments’ that can change a parent's perspective and really make life easier.


Here are just a few times in a mum's life when a bright LED bulb appears above her head...


1. The moment you discover that baby wipes can be used to clean everything.


Every. Thing.



2. Having a baby and realising their smile can turn your day around


It’s like a ready-made boost of sunshine to brighten a dark day!



3. The amazing realisation that you don’t need to cook baby food every day.


Purée those veggies in bulk and divide into separate, freeze-able portions using ice-cube trays.



4. That moment you realise you don’t need to Google every little thing anymore.


You’re an experienced parent now! You know things. You’ve seen things…



5. Wiping your baby’s hands with a sigh after they get into the dog food. Again.


Remember when you used hand sanitiser on everything in the early days? Look how far you’ve come!



6. The moment you give a nod of solidarity to another parent whose child is throwing a tantrum.


Soon after having your little one, you realise every mum becomes ‘that parent’ at some point and stop judging.



7. Choosing a baby item based on whether or not it’s on special offer.


Remember the days of research you put into every single purchase after you found out you were pregnant? Pfft, not anymore!



8. The moment you realise you have power over a poo explosion.


Simply unbutton that Babygro at the shoulders and roll it down to avoid getting poo up your baby’s back, neck and in their hair. You're a changed woman.



9. When it finally clicks that giving your toddler a packet of crisps does not make you the devil…


You’re not going to serve them for every meal, but the odd bit of junk food isn’t going to derail your child’s entire future!



 10. …and not all screens are evil.


Yes, screen time should be monitored and limited, but you are not a bad parent for popping your child in front of a few cartoons because you need a break.



11. When you realise that buying a million cute outfits for your child is stupid.


Especially when they’re not machine-washable and machine–dryable. Seriously.



12. Realising you can buy Monster Repellent.


Many kids think there are scary things lurking in the dark and bar sleeping with them, it's hard for Mum to make them feel safe. However, one smart parent came up with the idea of putting a fake Monster Repellent label on an air freshener and used it to get rid of all those scary monsters - give that parent a medal!



13. Accepting the awesome power of laundry baskets.


Not only do they organise laundry, they can also keep toys, art supplies and many other things in order. They can even double up as a baby bath in the grown-up bath!



14. When you realise it’s ok to trick your kids.


Puréeing vegetables into a tomato sauce for their pasta? What they don’t know will make them stronger!



15. Realising you're toddler doesn’t actually need to know you’re weaning them off their soother.


Once you decide to do it, start cutting off little bits off the soother’s teat every couple of days. Eventually the experience of using it will become unpleasant for your child and they’ll discard it themselves.



16. Discovering that a lint roller can save you tonnes of time.


Glitter spills, bead disasters - whatever tiny things are now embedded in your carpet, they can be easily cleaned up using a lint roller.



17. When someone teaches you this trick to help your teething baby.


Teething ring in the freezer to numb their gums. Genius.



18. When you realise that another mum has been feeling insecure too.


All this time you felt like a bad parent because you were comparing yourself to her; meanwhile she was feeling insecure by comparing herself to you. We’re all insane.



19. When you learn how to avoid getting pee in your face.


Washcloth over your little man’s little man and you’re safe during all future nappy changes.



20. When you discovere there is more than one use for cupcake cases.


Pop them onto your child’s ice-pop stick to stop melting liquid from dripping onto their hands.



21. When you realise your child is more enamoured with the box the €100 toy came in than the toy itself.


Millions of euro can be saved!



22. And that the same rule applies to birthday parties during the early years.


Your one-year-old won’t know what’s going on and definitely won’t remember their first birthday party, so take the pressure off. Also toddlers and preschoolers will be just as happy with a €100 party that contains a few balloons than they would be with a €1.000 party made up of vintage bunting and professional caters.



23. Realising that a sleep baby is a blessing.


What were you thinking waking them up for their scheduled feeds during those first couple of months!?



24. Finally... realising that after your baby arrives, your life will never be the same again.


And that is something you’re completely fine with.


IKEA will become the first major global retailer to offer a 100% LED lighting range when the brand’s LED roll-out completes in September 2015.

