Many of us are guilty of filling up on soft drinks when we're in need of a pick-me-up or quick thirst quencher.

While we often forbid our children from sipping on carbonated drinks, many of us mums are guilty of cracking a can every so often.

Even when we're on diets or attempting a new nutrition plan, many of us find ourselves reaching for a diet drink in order to fill a gap between meals.

While a can every so often won't do you any real harm, it's important to consider the benefits of abstaining completely.

Here are just five improvements you'll notice if you decide to ditch the diet soda once and for all.

1. Attitude to food

Many of us play calorie Maths and fail.

If you decide to tuck into a piece of cake just because your last drink was a diet one, then you'll soon notice a change in your attitude towards food.

By cutting out diet drinks, you''ll be less tempted to make up for the supposed calorie deficit in different ways.

2. Weight loss

Despite their name, diet drinks don't often help you when you're dieting.

By swapping your daily can for a bottle of water, you'll quickly notice a difference in the appearance of your tummy.

Try it for a week and see the change yourself!

3. Strengthen bones

Ask yourself why you don't allow your children many fizzy drinks and apply the same logic to yourself.

By abstaining and replacing your normal drink with milk or water, you will help to strengthen your bones.

This is a health factor all women should consider as they get older.

4. Improved concentration

If you find yourself suffering from headaches, you may discover that abstaining from fizzy drinks can be particularly helpful.

Various chemicals found in diet drinks alter nerve signals in the brain which can lead to headaches and insomnia.

Fill up on water for the rest of the week and see if this makes a difference.

5. Tastebud sensitivity

By sipping water with a snack or meal, you may discover your palate is more sensitive to the food you are consuming.

Food will have more flavour when it's not accompanied by a particularly sweet drink.

Don't ruin snack and meal-time for yourself!



