5 tips on how to be as sustainable as possible throughout your family holiday

We’re offically in the summer season now! For those of us who have yet to embark on an amazing trip abroad, it’s currently all we can think about.

We’re more than ready to kick back and relax for a few days with our loved ones, with nothing but sun, sand and sea on the horizon.

However, as much as we love taking the whole family on holiday, we’re also acutely aware of the fact that travelling around the world isn’t always the best thing for the environment. We try to be as eco-conscious as possible when we are at home, and so we are eager to try and keep a similar mindset when we are abroad, too.

Thankfully, there are a few easy tips that we can follow to help keep our sustainability practices going, no matter where we are in the world!

SkyParkSecure have teamed up with travel expert Alonso Marly from Skyluxtravel to give us a guide on everything you can do to make a positive impact on the environment and the local community while you are on holiday. These top tips are something that the whole family can get on board with, and they are really simple to do, too:

1. Adapt to recycling abroad

By now, we have all become pros with recycling in our daily lives - we don’t even have to think twice about it at this stage! So, when you travel abroad, you should try to keep up with this great habit, no matter where you are staying. Of course, every country can have their own set of recycling rules, so it is important to double check before you throw anything away. Additionally, if you are going somewhere coastal, be mindful of how your visit might impact the natural environment. For example, as tempting as it might be for your little ones, refrain from taking beach shells home with you as it could disrupt sea creatures’ natural habitat.

2. Support local businesses

In our everyday lives, we love to champion smaller businesses - and you should do the same while on holiday, too! Instead of going to a convenient large chain such as McDonald’s or Starbucks, why not try out a local restaurant or a quirky coffee shop? We would also recommend doing a thorough search on Google before your trip, so that you can take note of all of the great café’s and restaurants in the local area for you and your family to visit. Not only will the business owners appreciate your custom, but you’ll also get to sample some delicious local cuisine - and you might even save a few coins, too!

3. Use public transport

Using public transport in a new place can be a stressful experience at times, which can lead many to revert back to the safety and comfort of taking taxis everywhere. However, there is no need to do this! Most cities nowadays have incredible public transport systems, making it easier than ever to travel sustainably (and cost-effectively, too). Whether it be buses, trains, underground networks or trams, there is usually a vast network readily available for you to make your way around.

4. Be mindful of what you pack

Even though overpacking is always a tempting habit that we slip into, it’s not very sustainable! Realistically, you should pack only what you truly need. For example, purchase travel-sized editions of your favourite products, and then you can reuse them for future family holidays. If the kids are eager to use items such as inflatable pool floats or beach toys, make sure that you will be able to fit them back into your suitcase upon returning home, so that you will not be wasting them. Lastly, when it comes to clothes and shoes, the less, the better! Plan your outfits ahead of time and make sure that the pieces that you intend to take will work well with multiple outfits.

5. Don’t follow the crowds

Of course, it might be too late for you to factor this into your family holiday for this year, but in future, it is always best to travel outside of the peak summer months to avoid overcrowding. Not only does this mean that you will get to see some of the most iconic tourist attractions without a hefty crowd, but it also means that the local area itself will not become overwhelmed with the demand from tourists. Plus, travelling outside of the peak holiday season is usually a great money-saver, so why not go for it?


