The concept of 'free time' meant something very different before becoming a mum, right?

We knew relaxing with a magazine or lingering over a cup of coffee was the perfect way to while away an hour or so, but once we welcomed our own little bundles, we quickly realised five minutes using the bathroom could constitute free time...if we were lucky!

When our little ones started school, we found ourselves remembering what the phrase actually meant, but then the summer rolled around again!

With the school term starting back soon, we'll be able to reacquaint ourselves with the notion in its traditional meaning, but until then let's just consider the various activities we consider 'free time' before our kids make their way back to the school gates.

1. Using the bathroom

Answering the call of nature was considered a mere necessity before the summer holidays, but suddenly five minutes alone in the bathroom constitutes a mini-holiday.

If you're extra savvy, you can grab an extra five minutes in there, but only if you refuse to respond to persistent knocking.

2. Cleaning the shed

Not even your most adventurous child wants to venture into the dust-ridden house of spiders that is your garden shed, so deciding to give it a clear-out sometimes gives you a little free time to get your thoughts in order.

And so what if you sit behind it with a cup of coffee - no one's any the wiser!

3. Organising the sock drawers

Let's face it, very few people enjoy spending hours finding the match to a faded grey school sock, but if you know it will give you forty minutes uninterrupted me-time, then you're all for it.

We know, we never thought we'd see the day either!

4. Having a bath

Yes, it's traditional and the perfect way to relax, right?

It's also the perfect way to give the bathroom a quick spruce as your waiting for the tub to fill because a certain teenager hasn't kept her promise to keep an eye on it.

5. Calculating the household bills

Nothing will empty a room quicker of pre-teens and their older siblings that the sight of Mum producing a phone or internet bill.

Highlighter in hand and a determined look on your face will guarantee at least one hour of interrupted me-time, right?!

We're a bunch of geniuses!


