With the gloriousness that is summertime comes the pain in the bum that are flies and bluebottles.


Flying around bins, making an awful racket behind your curtains and generally being a bit of a dirty nuisance, it is no surprise that mums will do anything to keep them out of the house. 


If you are struggling with a bit of a fly problem, these five tips will help you sort it out once and for all: 


1. Keep bins closed and empty them as much as possible 

If possible, try to keep the bin out of the kitchen and in the utility room to stop the pests flying around you while you prepare food.Empty it every evening so it is not sitting over-night calling the flies to it! 


2. Don't leave food out on the counter 

Leaving food and crumbs on the counter is like an invitation to flies to come into the house! You need to regularly wipe down your counters and sweep the floor - simple tasks that will help a lot. 


3. Keep your windows and doors closed

Don't want a fly coming into your home? Well keep your windows and doors closed then!. But if this is not practical either because the kids are outside or it is simply too hot, you can always cover any openings with some mesh. 


4. Plant some basil 

Did you know that basil can actually deter a fly from coming into your home due to its strong smell? Well, while it hasn't - technically - been proven, it certainly won't do any harm to have a few dotted around your kitchen.  


5. Invest in a good fly repellant 

Whether you want to or not, sometimes you simply need to resort to using a little spray to get rid of a pesky fly. Now before you cry that it's inhumane, remember flies can carry typhoid, salmonella and dysentery on their feet - just think about that the next time they land on your sandwich. 



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