Maybe it’s all the new-parent hormones, or the extreme lack of sleep, but when you become a mum, hitting the tiles in your glad rags falls down your priority ladder – significantly.
We try to resist it, but it eventually happens: we become that person who WAY prefers staying in and cooking dinner to going out. And you know what? We’re OK with it.
Are your party days over? Check the tell-tale signs:
1. The last time you hit the club you left after an hour
You valiantly tried to resist, rounding up all the girls for an epic night out to prove you’ve ‘still got it’. After an hour you all admitted you couldn’t take the torture anymore, and called your fellas to take you home.
2. You’re just too bloody tired
Remember those days when you loved hitting the clubs on a Friday night? No, us neither. The way you see it, why would you want to brave the queues and crowds, when you could be cuddling into a soft bed for some glorious, uninterrupted shut-eye?
3. You would much rather watch Netflix
OK, so you wouldn't mind too much if someone brought you a French martini from a fancy cocktail bar, but even the thought of the effort of getting ready makes you want to curl up on the couch and watch Netflix with a cup of tea. Rock and roll, eh?
4. You think the music they play in clubs is just ‘noise’
You promised you would NEVER say this, but there it is anyway: “I can’t dance to that! It’s just noise!” Don’t worry, it happens to us all.
5. You would WAY prefer a nice meal
Cooking a meal at home as you enjoy a glass of red is now your favourite way to spend a Saturday night. And thanks to the powerful and elegant new Hotpoint range, you can make the ultimate don’t-need-to-go-out-anyway meal. Who needs a restaurant?
6. You just don’t think the next day is worth it
In your party days you thought a hangover was a fair price to pay for an epic night out. Now you think NOTHING is worth the pain of trying to parent a loud, chirpy toddler when you’re nursing a banging headache.
We’re grown-ups (evidently!) so of course we want a grown-up kitchen for our weekend cook-ins. The new Hotpoint kitchen range of ovens, hobs and microwaves is as practical and functional as it is gorgeous. Cleverly designed to make cooking easy, if features perfect heat distribution, multi-recipe presets, and even a probe to make sure meat is at the desired temperature.
And because we don’t want to spend our not-going-out evening cleaning, the ovens in the range feature a genius self-cleaning system. Heating to 500 degrees, they burn off any fat and grease, leaving just a small pile of ash. Which, now that we think about it, happens to be a pretty apt metaphor for our clubbing days!

