Being a mum causes an indescribable amount of joy in your life. You can't quite believe that you made this incredible tiny being, who your world now revolves around. And so many of your baby's milestones make you delirious with happiness - from baby's first laugh, first word, first step - the list goes on. And everyone tells you about those moments, but they don't tell you about the 'other' moments of joyfulness. The moments that occur post-baby you would never have thought made you feel this gleeful. Until today. We've have six that get us every single time:


Finding the washing basket empty 


Let's be real: it's rare. But my god, when it happens! The JOY. Fairy Non Bio has already stormed through the piles of never-ending clothing, yet you still can't fathom how so much of your life is now spent next to a washing machine, nor how the basket appears to have magical powers and fill up again, mere minutes after you've emptied it. 'Are there people living in my house I haven't met yet?!' you wonder, frazzled. But on those sparse few occasions that you find said basket clothes-free, it's a brief time to be savoured. 


Fitting into your pre-baby bras again


Your body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. And while we appreciate that these changes are wondrous to behold, so many of us can find wearing maternity bras a nuisance. So, when the day comes that you can bin the bra and even fit into even a variation of the one that came before, you have earned the right to celebrate, glass of wine in hand.


The joy of a sink that's dish-free


Yes, it's another thing that mystifies us as mums: the fact that you have a dishwasher, but no one ever remembers to put the dishes inside and so the 'dish pile' remains forever in the sink.  Working through this pile can be your kitchen Everest, so when thank sink is finally empty, no one would dare judge you for doing a happy dance.   


Eating food that you didn't make for the kids


Have any other mums noticed that from about the ages of three and up, you dinnertime meals can often be the exact same as the kids? You may be in the habit of snacking on what the kids eat, simply because you're just too exhausted to prepare a separate meal for yourself. If this is frequently the case, is there ANYTHING more satisfying than enjoying a meal you didn't make yourself or the family?  



The moment of quiet just before the kids wake up


You know the five minutes after you open your eyes first thing in the morning and realise none of your children are happily screaming? Yep, that moment. It's short and sweet, but as all the little ones presume to pounce on the bed before you've even realised what day it is, you quickly come to realise the bliss of those undisturbed few minutes.  


The silence when the kids have (finally!) gone to sleep


It's quiet and calm on a Friday night. You momentarily have a panic attack feeling something is amiss when actually, everything is fine. The kids are simply asleep. Cosy, tucked up and you have a few precious hours all to yourself. Heaven on earth.    

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Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

