Going on a blind date as a single twenty-something is very different from going on one when you are a mum and have a babysitter to rush home to. However, just because it’s a little different this time around, doesn’t mean it’s not going to be as good.


Here are eight things every mum thinks about when they go on a blind date:


1. "If it doesn’t go well in the first hour, I'm leaving"

You have a pile of washing and trash TV that needs sorting and watching.


2. "He looks nothing like he described himself as"

They never are!


3. "Can I drink all the wine?"

The last time you were out was before you had any kids and that wine is looking mighty tasty!


4. "If it’s really fate would we have met in another place?"

It’s hard not to think of the ‘what ifs’ – just focus on the here and now.



5. “Bet he thinks I’m looking for a dad for my kids”

Don’t worry they already have one of those!


6. “Hopefully one thing doesn’t lead to another, I’ve got my granny knickers on”

Just say no and put down that glass of wine!


7. “Do I really want to tell my kids I met my boyfriend on a blind date?”

Or do you really care as long as you have someone to snuggle up and watch Netflix with? Thought not! 


8. "Is it greedy if I ask for dessert?" 

Your kids usually eat your ice cream so this is your only chance! 

