A neglecting mother?: Author posts controversial message about working mums

It is an argument that many women find themselves in the midst of.

Can a woman have a career and be a mother?

Author Lori Alexander took to Twitter to uploaded a message about why it's better for a mum to be a stay-at-home mother rather than a working one.

She posted a flowchart showing the pros and cons - and it received expected backlash.

''Should mothers have careers?'' is asked.

It then goes onto say that if you are, you spend ''hours away from hom every day'' as opposed to ''home all day.''

Other comparisons include, ''Dinner is usually fast food or microwaved'' as opposed to ''Dinner is usually from scratch, nutritious and delicious.''

People took to the comments to express their opinions - and somewhere not impressed by Lori's post.

One wrote, ''I work full time and manage just fine to get a home cooked meal on the table while making sure we enjoy our weekends and attending/volunteering at my children’s school.  Maybe I’m just a better multi-tasker than you are.''

While another said, ''Why do you have to pass judgement on anyone else and their situation? Why does your opinion need to shame many wonderful mothers to choose/need to work? Stay at home if you want. Work if you want. Just be a good mum.''

A third added, ''As a working mum, cooked meals, read to my kids, attended all school/sporting events, spent weekends on outings, took vacations and prepared them for adult life. You must be wasting hours of your day, if you can't work and accomplish your parenting tasks.''

What do you think?

