The Government has advised the public to wear face masks in supermarkets and on public transport as we continue to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have yet to purchase a face mask then you can pick one up in Aldi from tomorrow, June 4.
A two pack of reusable plain white face masks will be on sale for €5.99. The face coverings are essential in combatting the spread of coronavirus, especially in places like shops and on buses and trains.
The masks cover mouth to nose and have an elastic lace. You must wash your hands thoroughly before you put the mask on.
The HSE has advised against children under 13 wearing face covering. People with special needs, breathing difficulties and those who cannot remove the mask themselves have also been advised not to wear them.
It is also important to follow other measures when wearing the covering including social distancing, proper coughing and sneezing ettiquette, washing your hands properly and often and not touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
Customers shopping in Aldi this month will notice a new traffic light system at store entrances in order to further help with social distancing. The new technology was successfully trialled at Aldi’s Naas store and is being rolled out to all 142 Aldi stores nationwide from June 15 and will be in place fully by the end of June.
The system works by continuously counting the number of customers entering and exiting the store, showing a green light for capacity and a red light when capacity has been reached. Once the light goes red the doors to enter the store automatically close and will only re-open again when the next customer leaves the store. In line with Aldi’s previous commitments, priority access remains in place for frontline workers and older / vulnerable people, and these people are encouraged to go to the front of any queue, with all other customers asked to continue to respect this.
Click here for more information on wearing face coverings.