Depression is a word that is flippantly used to describe feelings of anger and sadness, and, in a way, has diluted the severity of the mental health disease.
In order to tackle it head on and get the right treatment, it is important we highlight the difference between feeling sad and being depressed.
1. Sadness is a type of emotion, and one that we all experience from time to time. Generally triggered by a certain event it eventually passes or we simply 'get over it'.
2. Depression, on the other hand, is an illness that chronically affects our thinking, behaviour and emotions.
3. When you’re sad you’re usually sad about a particular thing.
4. However, when you are depressed you feel ‘sad’ about everything, and it may not have been caused by a particular trigger or event.
5. It is important to realise, however, that profound sadness, that which is often associated with the loss of a loved one, can lead to depression.
6. Sadness can be interrupted by periods of laughter; depression cannot.
7. Sadness doesn’t remain constant; depression does.
8. Sadness does, eventually, go away; depression can be life-altering and will not resolve itself on it’s own.
Contact your GP if you are showing signs and symptoms of depression.