It is definitely one of life’s ironies that we spend years trying to prevent pregnancy, only to turn around and have to expend a lot of energy and worry when we are ready to conceive.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for a couple months, you’ve likely started to worry. However, experts in the field say that until a year has went by, you have no cause for worry.
The only exception to this rule of thumb is if you are 35 or older. If you are, then you need to see a specialist after six months of trying to conceive. After you hit your 35th birthday, your fertility levels decline.
When it is time to see a specialist, both of you will get tested. In 50 percent of all infertility cases, factors concerning the male partner are the root cause.
If you want to increase your chances of conception, the biggest thing you can do is relax. The more tense and worked up you are about getting pregnant, the less likely it will happen.

