An eight-year-old boy is waiting on a life-saving operation, after being diagnosed with an incredibly rare condition.


Oliver Brown, from Devon, is thought to be the first child in Britain to develop Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).


MDS is a group of bone marrow disorders, whereby the marrow doesn’t produce enough healthy blood cells. The condition can prove fatal and also increases the risk of contracting leukaemia.



Doctors were left confused by Oliver’s case initially, because his only symptom was a bad cough – and MDS usually affects people over the age of 50.


While medics thought Oliver may have leukaemia, he was diagnosed with the incredibly rare condition (he’s one of only four cases in the UK) shortly after.


Oliver now requires a life-saving bone marrow transplant, and he is currently receiving chemotherapy in Bristol Children’s Hospital as he waits.



The Brown family have launched a fundraising campaign in a bid to raise the £120,000 needed to pay for the procedure.


Speaking to the Independent, dad Mike said: “I’ll re-mortgage the house, I’ll sell my house, work four jobs; I’ll do anything to get the money.”


“I wouldn’t wish anyone to be sat where I am now. It’s had a huge impact on us,” he added.


Thankfully, the hospital has found a donor whom they think is a match for Oliver. Meanwhile, the Browns have hit over £13,000 of their target.

