Celebrity Big Brother’s Stephen Bear sentenced to jail after sharing revenge porn

Stephen Bear has been sentenced to 21 months in prison after sharing a sex tape of him and his ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison. 

Stephen, who rose to fame on Ex on the Beach, was charged with one count of voyeurism and two counts of disclosing private, sexual photographs or films back in December, and has now been sentenced to one year and nine months in prison.

Bear shared CCTV footage of him having sex with former The Only Way is Essex star Georgia in his garden to a WhatsApp group, before uploading the video to his OnlyFans account for financial gain in 2020 without her consent.

As Bear walked into court today he said he wanted to share "his side of the story" to "give a different opinion of me and hopefully we can spin the narrative".

Credit: Essex Police

When asked if he wanted to say sorry to Georgia for what he had done, the former reality TV star refused to apologise, and instead, started singing Lady in Red to a reporter wearing a red jacket.

While sentencing Stephen in court today, Judge Morgan stated, “In my judgement having considered the matters set out in the pre-sentence report, the report from the court mental health liaison officer and the psychiatric report I conclude the appropriate punishment can only be achieved in your case by immediate custody. Your ADHD and anxiety do not remotely excuse your offences”.

After Stephen’s sentencing at Chelmsford Crown Court, Georgia released a statement outside the courthouse.

She said, “I’m happy and relieved that this matter is finally over. Today's sentence is a vindication of what I've been put through and sends a clear message that the police and the court take this matter very seriously".

“I want to let all of the victims of this crime know so that I stand in solidarity with them and I have absolutely no regrets of waving my anonymity”.

Harrison added, “I hope this puts anyone off committing this sort of crime and I hope for anyone else who's been a victim of this, it gives them some sort of justice. Thank you so much for all of your support”.

The former Celebrity Big Brother winner was originally arrested at Heathrow airport after arriving home from a trip to Dubai in January 2021.

