Taking a new baby home is always going to be tough, but add a toddler to the mix and it can be an extremely emotional and exhausting time. However, it needn’t be all bad, particularly if you are prepared and plan ahead!


If you are expecting or have recently brought a new baby home, the following tips will help make things run a little more smoothly.


1. Don’t expect a clean house

There is no point stressing yourself over trying to keep your house clean and spotless. For the first few weeks or even months, every room will be a little untidy - and the sooner you accept it the better for your stress levels!


2. Cook and freeze as many meals as possible

If you have yet to give birth spend the next few days or weeks cooking extra batches of meals and popping them in the freezer. This will save you having to cook for your tot when you've had no sleep and you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you are reheating them a healthy and nutritious meal.



3. Be prepared for jealously

No matter how much you prepare your toddler for the newest arrival, they might still show signs of jealously towards the baby. Once you know that it is normal for them to act this way and offer your tot the support and love that they are clearly craving, then it shouldn’t turn into anything more.


4. Accept help

Above all, make sure you accept help if it is offered and ask for it if it’s not. You don’t need to cope alone and having two young children is an extremely exhausting and trying time.


5. Spend time with toddler alone

If possible, spend time with just your toddler so they don’t feel like they have been replaced or lost you to a new baby. An hour of playing with them while someone minds your baby or even reading to them on the couch while your infant naps will help them feel like they are still important to you.


