As mums, we can take solace in the fact that this lockdown will be a lot different from the last one.
Think back to yourself in March, April and May, going through the motions. You spent the entire time trying to keep your kids active, positive, educated and satisfied as they asked for snack, after snack, after snack. This will not be the case during lockdown 2.0, because schools and childcare remain open. However, you will probably be spending slightly more time with your children and you will definitely be spending more time at home in the safety of your family pod.
We are all going to do our best to stick to the current COVID-19 restrictions to keep each other safe – but in doing this, you might feel things begin to slide. You might find it harder to make time for yourself. This can be harmful and the last thing you want is a repeat of what happened back in March when many of us mums began to lose ourselves in the struggle to keep the rest of the family going. It is time now to reflect and learn from that challenging time, so you can avoid losing the crucial moments during the day that keep you going as a mum. Here are five things you should not give up on over the next few weeks.
Talking with friends
Make plans to stay connected. The overwhelming feeling of isolation that many of us experienced during the first lockdown was not healthy. Your kids are amazing, but they cannot take the place of your friends. Your other half might technically be your ‘best friend’, but there is nothing quite like a mum-friend, someone who will always nod their head in agreement during a much-needed ranting session. Scheduling weekly video chats with your friends and let your family know that you will be off mum duty at these times. This is imperative to get a balance in your life during this lockdown.
Now is not the time to press pause on a book you are enjoying. It is not time to take a break in the middle of a riveting Netflix series you are stuck in to. It is certainly not the time to manufacture an unrealistic burst of energy and throw yourself into doing things for others. Continuing doing the things you look forward to doing in order to stay positive.
Going for walks
It is so beautiful outside at the moment. When it isn’t raining, the air is crisp and the leaves are alight with colour. At the beginning of the month, you may have enjoyed a calming walk in the evenings while the kids were at soccer or hanging out with friends. Walk without the brood if you can, but even if you need to bring your little ones, get outside and enjoy the fresh air and Autumnal beauty.
Alone time that counts
I don't know about you, but I didn't have many moments to myself during the last lockdown. This time, it is not just designated alone time you should strive for but quality time alone. The following activities do not count as time to yourself:
1. Hoovering
2. Cleaning
3. Laundry
4. Cooking
Unless these activities bring you joy or peace, they do not count as me-time. What you do in your alone time is up to you, but it is critical that you pencil it in so that you do not begin to feel overwhelmed.
Dressing in clothes that make you happy
Everyone is different but I can safely say I did not wear a single item of clothing that made me feel good during the first lockdown. Even though dressing in comfy tracksuits was delightful at first, by April I experienced what can only be described as a slump in my body image.
Dressing to make you happy could be anything from occasionally wearing nice clothes to finally having the opportunity to chill in sweats or even a mix. Maybe you bought some nice shoes to wear to an event that has now been cancelled. You may have attempted to bring UGGs back into fashion after realising they are perfect lock-down attire. No matter what, it is important to wear what puts a smile on your face. It’s the little things that make all the difference at this challenging time.