Free hearing aid batteries and face masks for people in need

Hidden Hearing has reintroduced their free hearing aid batteries offer to help those with hearing loss through lockdown. Ireland’s hearing healthcare specialists will be posting out free batteries for hearing aids to all applicants, whether they are customers of the Irish company or not. There is also a customer telephone and email helpline in place.

Anyone needing hearing aid batteries, whether customers, nursing home or hospital residents, or the general public can contact Hidden Hearing on 1800 66 77 11, text ‘HEAR’ to 50015, or email to have free replacement batteries posted free of charge.

When you text or email Hidden Hearing, please include in your text or email the following details: Name, address, phone number, battery size and how many aids you wear.

People have enough stress right now, without having to worry about hearing aids batteries running down, says Dolores Madden, Audiologist & Marketing Director at Hidden Hearing. “We saw huge demand during the first lockdown with over 17,000 availing of the offer so issuing free replacement batteries for hearing aids to anyone in need again makes sense”.

Also, as part of their #PleaseSpeakUp, campaign, Hidden Hearing will now provide free face masks with each set of batteries. The masks feature a please speak up speech bubble for people who are hard of hearing to wear, so that those they meet in public, and particularly in stores, will understand their difficulty.

The use of face masks and screens in retail outlets and in public places, like GPs’ surgeries, makes life difficult, on account of the muffled sound effect, says Dolores Madden.

Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask to protect themselves and others. But unfortunately, this makes it difficult to hear, and that can add to the feeling of isolation in the hearing impaired, especially when they fail to understand what is being said”, the hearing specialist explains.

It is hoped that, as people recognise the #PleaseSpeakUp face mask, they will speak clearly, raise their voice a little and take the time to ensure that the individual understands.

