Having children could make you more productive at work, study finds

We hope you never find yourself in a position where someone questions your ability to do your job on account of being a mum; if you do, however, simply lead them right this way.

According to a study by Forbes, having children could actually make you better at your job. So, there!

The study was released in conjunction with the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women list, which found that those fabulous enough to make the list actually have two or more children; this is above the European average of 1.58.

As part of the study, researchers analysed data from 2,000 working mums, and have reported back some very encouraging statistics.

Empowerment starts in the home, and it’s refreshing to hear that almost two-thirds of those surveyed believe that they are most productive at work since having their children.

Commenting on the findings, Mark Brown of TG Escapes – the company that analysed the data – said: “Our research shows that having children doesn’t need to hinder your career success and, in fact, some women find having children has meant they are more productive in the time they are at work.”

There were some negatives to take from the study, however; the biggest one, that over half of those surveyed (56 percent) feel that their employer doesn’t do enough to make their work flexible enough to combine career with parenthood.

Given how flexibility of working hours, the ability to work from home, subsidised child costs and workplace crèches were all found to make a major difference to finding the work-life balance; clearly, employers need to be taking note.

